Our two Moose lakes are natural wonders packed with surprises. Multiple underwater structures are homes for ample fish. Muskie, Walleye, Northern, Bass and panfish too all have their favorite spots. Your favorite spot is waiting.
Big Moose is 1265 acres of great structure areas of the kind that Muskie and Walleye like to use as hangouts. The depth varies often and goes to a maximum of 60'. Northern Pike, Bass, and panfish also call Big Moose home.
Little Moose, at 271 acres, is one of the more interesting smaller lakes in the area. It is great for Crappie, Bass, and Northern and because it is connected to Big Moose with a nice channel [very picturesque], it supports a nice population of Walleye and Muskie.
These two lakes offer opportunities every day, in almost any weather, for fishing fun and beautiful sightseeing/.

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Boat Loads of big excitement always lurks in our waters. Both of our Moose Lakes harbor big numbers of Muskies. They’re full of surprises. They might be seen sunning themselves in shallow water or following a favorite lure to your boat. You might just hear the pounding of your heart when a Muskie decides to take action. It’s nature at its finest and enjoyment to the fullest. Many Cedarwild guests were shown a great time by our Muskies last year. What’s more is that they’ll all be back. All those Muskies were returned and are back in their favorite spots. The fishermen will be back also. We’ll bet that they’ll get back together

Though it has a tendency to cycle like all lakes, Moose Lake has been a reliable Walleye spot for many years. Many agree that Moose is one of the best naturally producing Walleye environments in this part of Minnesota.
The underwater structure of Moose Lake is quite unique with several rocky submerged “islands” at various locations in the lake, even near the middle. Sandbars and long protruding reed points with many configurations and constantly changing depths create comfort for the Walleyes and great sport for fishermen of all ages. In the words of a long time Cedarwild guest, “Walleye fishing is as good as it was more than twenty years ago”. Well, Big Moose certainly seems to be on the upside of the cycle.
Walleyes are the most sought-after of the lakes fish especially in May, June and early July but Big Moose serves up a nice variety of species all summer. Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike, and Muskie like to call Big Moose home so while the Walleyes seem to get a bit shy in late summer, the other species fill in quite well. It is always interesting.
Youll find Walleye in the Spring with live bait jigged or by using Lindy Rigs or something similar, but later, use the varying depths of the structured area to find the Walleyes by slow trolling with leeches or crawlers and other presentations. Try the weed lines that run deeper for Walleye and you might catch a nice surprise in the form ofa big bass, northern, or something much BIGGER.
Of course, there are days when because of the weather or the need for a change of pace, our guests find their way to Little Moose. Its close, just at the back side of Cedarwild, and always presents a fun variety of good fishing. There are good reasons why Little Moose Lake restseasy on many minds and hearts.